Level 1

Reacts to instructions from the instructor
Climb in + out of the pool with assistance
Monkey walk with help from instructor
Floats on the back, with head on instructor’s shoulder
Blows bubbles
Splash hands + feet

Level 2

Face in water + blow bubbles
Floats on tummy + back with help from the instructor
Monkey walk alone

Level 3

Floats on back alone
Crocodile walk on step
Alone on noodle
Humpty Dumpty + catch the side (with help from instructor)
Kick on tummy with progression to 4-5m doggy paddle (with assistance)

Level 4

Freestyle kicking with board alone
Jump in pool + catch side alone
4-6m doggy paddle alone
Dive from sitting position
Jump in pool + float on back

Level 5

6m 1 arm crawl with high elbow + down sweep
6m 1 arm backstroke with down sweep
6m dolphin kick
20m backstroke kick + 20m freestyle kick
Dive from the step

Level 6

20m backstroke with correct timing (big pool)
10m dolphin kick + 10m breaststroke kick
20m catch-up with help from the instructor (in 20m pool)
Dive from a diving position

Level 7

20m catch up with correct breathing (with help from instructor)
20m butterfly kicks
40m backstroke with turn
20m basic breaststroke, breathing + arms
Basic dive from standing position
Backstroke turn

Level 8

40m crawl with correct breathing
Butterfly one arm + breathing
40m correct breaststroke arm + breathing
Basic start jump + backstroke start
Basic crawl tumble turn

Level 9

Full crawl + correct breathing
40m Basic butterfly ( arms and breathing)
15m underwater
Breaststroke turn, start and down sweep kick

Level 10

100m of all competitive strokes
30m underwater
80m correct individual medley with turns
Turns for all 4 competitive strokes


Level 1


Walk through pool without assistance
Walking across the pool with bubbles
Float on the back with help
Float on tummy with bubbles
Swim with a noodle with assistance
Kick with a board with assistance
Blow bubbles through nose & face in the water
Glide with face in the water with help

Level 2


Swim alone on noodle
Kicking on kickboard 20m
Kicking on back with assistance
Float on tummy and turn on back
Float on tummy with bubbles alone kick for short distances
Glide/push from the side alone

Level 3


Kick with kickboard while blowing bubbles with assistance
Basic catch up 20m with help
Basic backstroke 20m with help
Doggy paddle turn on the back
10m Kicking on a side with assistance

Level 4


Kick with board 40m
Basic catch up with board alone
1 arm catch up 10m alone
Kicking on side 20m with bubbles
Basic breaststroke 10m alone
Basic dive

Level 5


40m catch up
20m freestyle
Basic backstroke arms
Basic breaststroke kicks & basic arms
Dolphin kicks

Level 6


40m freestyle
Full backstroke
Butterfly 1 arm
Tumble turn (freestyle & backstroke)
Basic starts and turns

Level 7

Bronze Dolphin

Tumbles and turns all 4 strokes
Full freestyle 100m
Backstroke 100m
Breaststroke 100m
Butterfly 40m
80m correct individual medley with turns
15m underwater

Level 8

Silver Dolphin

200m freestyle with tumble turn under 3:40min
200m backstroke with tumble turn
200m breaststroke with turns
100m butterfly with turns
30m underwater

Level 9

Gold Dolphin

400m freestyle under 6:20min
100m water polo or open water swimming
100m free sprint under 1:30min

Level 10

Platinum Dolphin

1000m freestyle and turns under 22min
Open water event of a mile